Evaluate necessity, environment impact before iniating projects: PM

She criticises the practice of acquiring land from people and constructing facilities near the homes of influential figures for public projects
Express Report
  ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪, ০১:০৩

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Public has called on public representatives to evaluate the necessity and environmental impact of a project before it is initiated.

She also criticised the practice of acquiring land from people or constructing facilities near the homes of influential figures for the implementation of projects during an event marking 'National Local Government Day' on Sunday.

"Don't take up any project just for the sake it. Assess whether it is necessary and if there is adequate room for waste management so that it doesn't hinder other projects through pollution," she said.

“We must get rid of the tendency to initiate projects on the properties of influential individuals. Public representatives should adopt a holistic approach that prioritises environmental preservation."

She highlighted the need for a comprehensive waste management system at the village level. “Urban areas are already facing a huge problem regarding waste disposal. But we can recycle the waste and use it for power generation.”

The prime minister said her government overseen large-scale infrastructural development across the country, turning earthen walkways into paved roads.

Parts of the country have yet to enjoy these benefits but the government has already taken up initiatives to develop them, she said.

The prime minister noted that elected public representatives were directly accountable to the people, unlike government employees. Therefore, public representatives must ensure the people are properly served, she said.

Hasina also highlighted her government's efforts to provide electricity to every household in the country. But she also stressed the need to use electricity economically due to the high costs of power generation.